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Moses on Mount Sinai: Was it Rage or Ritual?

Moses - Rage or Ritual? | Joe LoMusio -


The Sacrifice of Jephthah's Daughter: What Exactly Was His Vow?

The Sacrifice of Jephthah's Daughter


Redeem Your Time: An Understanding of Ephesians 5:15-16

Redeeming the Time: Understanding and Applying Paul's Challenge in Ephesians 5:16.


The Logos as Polemic against Mythos: A Study of John 1:1-4

The Logos as Polemic against Mythos


When the Son of Man Returns, What will He find?

When The Son of Man Returns, What Will He Find? | Joe LoMusio -


The Samson Sage

The Samson Saga - Tragedy and Triumph | Joe LoMusio -


Rethinking Gethsemane


Is God Ever Unfair?


In the Beginning. . . Why? (The Reason for the Creation Narrative in Genesis 1)


Exegetical Notes on Psalm 22:12–13: The Bulls of Bashan and the Cross of Christ


Exegetical Notes on Psalm 82: The Divine Council


Exegetical Notes on Genesis 6:1–4: Who are the sons of God and the daughters of Men?


Let My People Go: Weighing the Heart of Pharaoh


Against the Gods of Egypt: The Ten Plagues of Exodus


The Sin of Achan: Notes on Joshua 7


As the Sparks Fly Upward: Identifying the god Resheph in the Book of Job

"As The Sparks Fly Upward" - Identifying the god Resheph in the book of Job


Moses, the Exodus, and a Family Feud: What is the Date of the Exodus?


Coram Deo: What it means, Historically and Biblically



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